Our Computer Sharing Centres
Computer Sharing Centres are available to members for unsupervised use of computers seven days a week.
They provide easy and reliable access to the internet for email, shopping, online banking, looking up information and entertainment and so much more...
Our Centres provide their members with easy, fun and one-to-one instruction on all aspects of computer and internet use - every week of the year.
Set up
Each Computer Sharing Centre has a set design for the room, including furniture and fittings. The hosting company (often a retirement village) is given the specifications and can either own or rent the fittings. The hosting company is normally responsible for cleaning the room.
All hardware is supplied, installed and maintained (including replacement) by Computer Sharing Centre Ltd andrented to the host company on a price per calendar month.
Annual Licence
Each Centre requires:
- Maintenance of the computer hardware and internet feed
- Membership organisation
Lesson management and delivery
- Detailed reporting
- Administration
Computer Sharing Centre Ltd. has websites and software that deliver each of these areas efficiently and professionally. The licence fee gives a year’s access to these systems.
Use of the successful ComputerDriving® teaching method, which provides Instructors with training and ongoing assessments as well as many support tools, requires an annual licence fee.
A Centre Manager (and Instructor) and one or two other Instructors deliver the service and they are paid for their time and expertise. They are employed by Computer Sharing Centre Ltd.
in your organisation, please contact Cherith Hateley, Director of Computer Sharing Centre Ltd:
[email protected]
Our websites
Our Topsites website is a valuable asset on all computers in our Centres. When you open the internet browser, the home page lists all the best and most useful web sites to link to, which makes life very easy for our members.
Our Documents website provides access to a library of password-protected downloadable documents, which enables the Centre Manager, Instructors and local staff to manage the Centre easily and efficiently.
Our Courses website provides tailored, downloadable guides and posters (which are constantly updated), enabling every student to have an aide memoire and to practise the skills learned in each lesson. It also offers Centre Managers and Instructors access to all the online forms required to run the Centre: www.computersharingcentre.com/courses